Factsheet: We need safe maternity services

Every child and every mother needs safe maternity services and facilities at childbirth. Damaging government policies have resulted in cuts, privatisation, staff shortages and disrespect for women and babies. Outcomes are getting worse for Black and Asian mothers. Many women are not receiving the safe, high-quality care they deserve; there are multiple reports of unnecessary baby deaths. We must not emulate the US which has the highest infant and maternal mortality rates among high-income countries.



  • Maternity care must be universal, publicly provided and free for everyone at the point of need
  • Abolish charging undocumented and migrant people for maternity care and address racism
  • Restore and improve postnatal care, breastfeeding support and maternal mental health services
  • Invest in safe levels of qualified midwives and other staff as recommended in official inquiries
  • Ensure all staff receive ongoing professional education and end replacement of midwives by less qualified staff

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