Factsheet: A Social Care system on its knees

Our Social Care system is failing everyone except the private providers rinsing it for profit. £1.5bn leaks out of the care home industry annually in the form of rent, dividend and interest payments, directors’ fees, and profits. Half of those requesting support get no help. Support is erratic and institutionalised, focusing on meeting basic physical needs and providing little choice, control, dignity or support for independent living. The inability to discharge medically fit people safely into the care sector is also one major reason for delays in urgent hospital treatment.



  • End Social Care Disgrace Campaign (ESCaD) calls for a National, Care Support and Independent Living Service which is
  • free at the point of use
  • publicly provided, funded and accountable
  • nationally mandated but radically re-imagined and co-produced locally with service users, carers, workers and local communities
  • offering choice, control, dignity and independence providing support for carers with good pay and conditions

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