
Our spokespeople make frequent appearances across the national media, discussing a range of issues associated with the NHS and health. To speak to a spokesperson call our Media Officer Samantha Wathen on 07776 047 472 or email [email protected]. You can visit our press page for more information.

Dr Sonia Adesara

NHS GP registrar

Dr Sonia Adesara is a member of Keep Our NHS Public's NHS Staff Voices and helped us launch a petition to keep Trump's hands off our NHS in 2019, that saw us garner over 1.25 million signatures.

She has made a number of appearances on television on the BBC, Sky, CNN and ITV, as well as radio appearances.


Dr Jackie Applebee


Dr Jackie Applebee is a GP working in Tower Hamlets, member of Tower Hamlets Keep Our NHS Public, and a long-standing advocate for free access to healthcare for migrants.

She has written for a number of trade magazines, such as Pulse and GP. She is also a member of NHS Singers.

Cathy Augustine

Activist and KONP Executive Committee member

Cathy Augustine is an ex-local councillor and health campaigner with our Oxfordshire KONP group. She has opposed the local impact of privatisation and restructures, acted as an organiser for demos and rallies in Oxford and worked to successfully challenge the secrecy of Health and Wellbeing Board meetings and ensured agenda and minutes are public there.

Alia Butt

NHS Psychotherapist and Chair of NHS Staff Voices

Alia Butt is Psychotherapist and joined the Keep Our NHS Public family during election campaigning. She helped found NHS Staff Voices which was born through the desire to continue the same level of NHS campaigning energy after the 2019 election.

She has appeared on the BBC.

Dr Jacky Davis

NHS Radiologist, author/editor of 'NHS For Sale' and our leading tweeter on Twitter

Founder member of Keep Our NHS Public. Co-author NHS SOS and NHS For Sale. Member BMA Council.

Professor Robert Galloway


Professor Robert Galloway

Professor Galoway is an Emergency Medicine  Consultant in Brighton and Haywards Heath,   University Hospital Sussex NHS Trust and an Honorary Clinical Professor at   Brighton and Sussex Medical School. Outside of the NHS he is the  Medical Director of the  Brighton Marathon and Medical Advisor to Brighton and Hove Albion FC and Medical Director AMEX stadium, Brighton.

Clinically he is involved in improving patient safety, changing systems of working in unscheduled care and new ways of managing the workforce

He is a passionate supporter of the NHS and has ppeared on many TV and radio news programmes on this as well as writing in the press. He wrote a book about the unique challenges working in A&E and the problems of the politics of the NHS : In stitches the highs and lows of life as an A&E doctor – under a pseudonym, Dr. Nick Edwards. Twitter @drrobgalloway

Tom Griffiths


Tom Griffiths, Head of Campaigns for Keep Our NHS Public, is a passionate and experienced activist who has campaigned against war, racism, austerity and for a public NHS, having organised some of the biggest events and demonstrations on these issues.

Jatinder Hayre

NHS Doctor

Jatinder Hayre is a member and spokesperson for Keep Our NHS Public. Recently qualified and now an NHS doctor, Jatinder takes a great interest in NHS policy and social activism. As a political journalist, specialising in healthcare matters, he is a regular contributor to The Independent, Left Foot Forward, and The Fabian Society. He has represented Keep Our NHS Public on live news.


Dr Louise Irvine

NHS GP and member of the KONP Executive Committee

Dr Louise Irvine is a GP in South London and secretary of Doctors in Unite. She stood twice against Jeremy Hunt in the general elections of 2015 and 2017. She is in constant demand for TV and radio interviews and has been on Sky, Andrew Neil's Daily Politics, LBC etc. She is currently secretary of Health Campaigns Together.

Dr Rita Issa

NHS GP, academic and NHS Staff Voices member

Dr Rita Issa is an academic GP Registrar working in East London. Her academic work addresses the intersection of climate change, migration and health, and draws on experience working internationally with the World Health Organisation, and Médecins Sans Frontières. She has appeared on the BBC, ITV, Sky News, Al Jazeera and Novara Media. She occasionally writes for The Independent.

Dr Mona Kamal

NHS doctor and member of NHS Staff Voices

Mona Kamal is a Consultant Forensic Psychologist who has campaigned widely on a range of issues, from the Grenfell tragedy (where she grew up), on the NHS and against austerity. She is a member of Keep Our NHS Public.

Gay Lee

Retired nurse

Gay Lee is a recently retired nurse and active in Lambeth Keep Our NHS Public, in SE London Save Our NHS (SELSON) and is a member of the KONP sub group on trade and health. She is particularly interested in privatisation issues and in keeping the NHS out of Free Trade Agreements

John Lister

Academic and journalist, KONP Executive Committee member

John Lister has been researching and reporting on NHS policy since 1984 and is a founding Member and former Co-Chair of Keep Our NHS Public. He is a founding member of the Health Campaigns Together initiative. He edits Health Campaigns Together’s bi-monthly newspaper and is a co-founder and co-editor of The Lowdown online journal. He has written a number of award winning books on the NHS and global health policy, including writing in NHS for Sale.


Dr Nick Mann

NHS GP and Osteopath

London-based GP Dr Nick Mann is a member of Hackney Keep our NHS Public, who has campaigned vociferously against NHS privatisation at a local level.

Dr Hosnieh Marbini

Doctor and member of NHS Staff Voices

Dr Hosnieh Djafari Marbini is an NHS Consultant anaesthetist and a Labour council’s migrant champion, campaigning for migrant rights driven by her own lived experience as a first generation migrant.

She is a passionate advocate for truly universal healthcare nationally and internationally, having campaigned with US colleagues for Medicare For All and has written for The Mirror. She is an active member of KONP’s NHS Staff Voices.

Dr Tony O'Sullivan

Retired NHS paediatrician and Co-Chair

Tony O’Sullivan is Co-Chair of KONP since December 2015. He is member of Save Lewisham Hospital Campaign (SLHC) which successfully took Jeremy Hunt to court to prevent the closure of the local A&E and entire acute hospital in 2013. Before retiring he was consultant paediatrician in childhood disability in Lewisham. He has made frequent media appearances including the BBC radio and TV, Sky News and LBC.

Dr John Puntis

Retired NHS paediatrician and Co-Chair

John is Chair of Leeds Keep Our NHS Public which he helped set up in 2011. He is a retired paediatrician who specialised in gastroenterology and nutrition at the General Infirmary at Leeds, where he was Secretary to the Senior Medical Staff Committee and Chair of Leeds West Research Ethics Committee. John worked as an NHS doctor for 40 years. He is a Member of Doctors for the NHS and Doctors in Unite, he joined the Executive Committee of Keep Our NHS Public as Secretary in June 2017. He became co-chair in July 2019.

Professor Wendy Savage

KONP's Honorary Life President and women's rights campaigner

Professor Wendy Savage is a founding member of Keep Our NHS Public from 2005 and was made our honorary Life President when she stood down as chair. She is a retired NHS consultant gynaecologist.

She qualified from Cambridge and the London Hospital Medical College in 1960 and is a leading advocate and campaigner for women's rights in childbirth and fertility. She is an Honorary Professor at Middlesex University. In 2018 she was honoured with the BMJ Award for Outstanding Contribution to Health.