Our newly launched election video goes viral with over a million views since last night

Press release on behalf of Keep Our NHS Public and Health Campaigns Together

Our newly launched election video goes viral with over a million views since last night 18 November 2019

A video made by the two major NHS campaigning organisations Keep Our NHS Public and Health Campaigns Together featuring front line healthcare staff countering Conservative statements about the NHS has gone viral overnight. The video ‘So you’re thinking of voting Conservative?’ features working health professionals debunking claims made by the Conservative party about the NHS and asks them to please not vote Conservative in the upcoming election.

Watch the video HERE

The video has had over a million views across Facebook and Twitter since it was launched last night and has already been shared and liked by high profile celebrities and politicians including the Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn. A similar video produced by Keep Our NHS Public and Health Campaigns Together for the 2017 election had over 11 million views and was cited as a key influencer in the eventual election result.

Keep Our NHS Public and Health Campaigns Together are hopeful that this video will have a similar impact.

Dr Tony O’Sullivan, retired consultant Paediatrician and Co-Chair of Keep Our NHS Public says:

“We are proud to have produced this video with amazing testimony from NHS nurses, doctors and therapists. Their honest, fact-checked statements challenge some of the more outrageous claims made by Boris Johnson, Matt Hancock and Conservative HQ. Dominic Cummings was closer to the truth when he said that Conservative MPs ‘don’t care about the NHS’ and ‘largely do not care about these poorer people’. This election will be absolutely critical for the future of the NHS, and hearing the facts first-hand from those that work in it sends a message that cannot be ignored.”

Dr Louise Irvine, Secretary of Health Campaigns Together who appears in and helped organise the video says: 

“We believe that the best principles of the NHS have been undermined by a decade of rule from this and previous governments and this should be prominent in the public’s mind when they vote on 12th of December. Hopefully hearing from those that actually work in the health service, dealing purely in facts will help sway some voters who may have previously believed the utterly false government rhetoric that they are ‘the party of the NHS’. Our video is powerful; it deals in facts, and facts cannot be challenged.”

Spokespeople (including those who appeared in the video) are available for broadcast interview subject to individual availability.
Please contact Press Officer Samantha Wathen: press@keepournhspublic.com or phone: 07776047472