
SOS NHS ( is a new coalition of campaign groups and trade unions that are demanding emergency funding for the NHS from the Government to support services and staff and not the private sector.

The NHS is facing its worst crisis ever. Join us at our online rally…/reg…/WN_2fSCabGiTguoEtfOBi_s4g

In 2010, after a decade of investment, our NHS was delivering its best-ever performance: After more than a decade of austerity – despite heroic efforts by staff to keep services afloat – it has sunk to its worst-ever. The problems were growing before the pandemic, but have been deepened by the sudden and continued loss of capacity and continued high level of Covid infections.

But it doesn’t have to be this way, with the political will we can fully fund our NHS, end interference from the private sector, pay staff properly and once again secure an NHS able to keep us all safe.

The amazing line-up includes:

· Sonia Adesara – KONP & Cat Hobbs – WOI (chairs)
· Nadia Whittome – Labour MP
· Christina McAnea – Unison
· Alison Treacher – Care and Support Workers Organise
· David Wrigley – BMA
· Amelia Womack – Green Party
· John Lister – HCT
· Helen Salisbury – I-SAGE
· Steve North Unison
· Ariel Mammana – Ambulance Driver GMB
· Striking worker from GOSH
· Barry Gardiner – Labour MP
· Laura Pidcock – People’s Assembly
· Holly Johnston – NHS Workers Say No
· Alia Butt – NHS Staff Voices
· Paul Nowak – TUC
· Colenzo Jarrett-Thorpe – Unite
· GMB speaker tba