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Newsletter – March 2018

3 March 2018 Hands Up 0

National KONP & NHS News 3rd February Regional & National Demonstrations Photo: Luke Dray Thank you to all of you who made up a part of the 60,000-strong crowd who marched on Downing Street on […]

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Newsletter – February 2018

6 February 2018 Hands Up 0

National KONP & NHS News 3 February we highlighted the NHS in Crisis: Fix it Now! On Saturday the 3rd February The People’s Assembly Against Austerity and Health Campaigns Together have called for a Day […]

NHS history trumps Trump

5 February 2018 Tony O'Sullivan 4

The President of the United States, Donald Trump has tweeted about #OurNHS Demonstration this Saturday. The People’s Assembly Against Austerity and Health Campaigns Together have issued this response: Dear Donald Trump The NHS has existed since 1948 in […]