Statement by Co-chairs of Keep Our NHS Public (KONP) on the general election and North Islington constituency

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KONP is a non-party political organisation with a clear position against privatisation in the NHS, a coherent plan for a People’s NHS (directed to all parties), and a detailed critique of the current Labour Party manifesto where it relates to health. Our independent stance dictates that, as a national campaign, we do not endorse any particular political party or individual candidate.

KONP is strongly opposed to private healthcare and remains extremely critical of Labour’s intention to promote the private sector, for example through use of ‘spare capacity’ to ‘help’ the NHS.  KONP’s position is that all NHS healthcare should be publicly provided and publicly accountable.

Whereas it is expected that KONP members will support our principles, individuals who are not representing KONP in a formal capacity will make their own decisions in relation to campaigning for a particular party or individual candidate.

Professor Richards stepped down from the KONP executive committee at the time of elections to this body in October 2023, though she remains a member of Islington KONP. Her public support for Labour candidate Praful Nargund, of which we had no prior knowledge, is her decision alone. We note that Praful Nargund has links to private healthcare.  Keep Our NHS Public will never endorse private healthcare.

Jeremy Corbyn is a patron of KONP and has advocated for policy closely aligned to KONP for many years. He has also been a visible and important supporter of NHS workers in dispute over pay restoration, a key demand for any new government to resolve as a matter of urgency. While KONP does not endorse any candidate, we are aware that individual KONP members have been supporting his campaign.

We launched our campaign ‘Restore the People’s NHS’ with the aim of shifting health policy of all the main political parties based on a return to a ‘People’s NHS’. We maintain independence from political parties in our campaigning for a fully publicly funded, provided, accountable and managed NHS.

We recognise that campaigning to restore the NHS will still be necessary should Labour form the next government.

John Puntis and Tony O’Sullivan
Co-chairs, Keep Our NHS Public

30 June 2024

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1 Comment

  1. This is important information for us in the last days of campaigning for Jeremy Corbyn. Another possible source of confusion for voters that we can rectify thanks to KONP information. Any thoughts on Prof Richard’s’ continuing role in KONP?

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