Join us

Work together to stand up for health workers and our NHS

Keep Our NHS Public has been taking action for 15 years to protect our health service from cuts, privatisation and corporate takeovers. We’re the largest and longest-running health campaign in the UK. Since the onset of the pandemic we've stood shoulder to shoulder with staff and patients in challenging the government's negligent and callous response to Covid-19, and we led the way in calling out the government's failings through the People's Covid Inquiry initiative.

Become a member

The more people get involved, the more we can achieve. Being a member means you'll be joining a community of health activists with unrivalled experience and passion, and will will have the support of a core team of experienced organisers at national level. We have dozens of local groups around the country that possess an amazing level of knowledge and understanding, and which have won huge local victories such as keeping open hospitals and saving local A&E units. To help cover our campaigning and running costs, we ask members for a small annual subscription:

  • £15 per year (unwaged / low pension); OR:
  • £30 per year (waged / good pension)

Click below to join national Keep Our NHS Public today. This will set up your annual membership payment via GoCardless, a secure and easy-to-use online payments provider.

Please email [email protected] if you would like to ask about alternative payment methods, or if you cannot currently afford to pay a membership subscription.

Please note: If you think you may have been a member in the past and wish to renew, please email us first to check your membership status. This will help us to prevent the creation of duplicate records and errors.  

Join today.

Other ways to be involved

There's more than one way to support our work!


We very much welcome donations. Our campaigning is supported by many ordinary people around the country,  and every little bit helps. A small amount once a month can be particularly helpful - if everyone on our mailing list donated £2 each month, we'd have tens of thousands more pounds a year to help us defend NHS services. To find out more about donating, click here.


In a campaigning organisation, all kinds of skills can come in handy, whether it's admin, graphic design, or whatever else. If you can volunteer some of your time and skills to move our campaigns forward, please get in touch!

Stay updated

Subscribing to our mailing list is a free, quick and easy way to stay up-to-date with all the latest news about threats to the NHS and our campaigns to protect it. Our regular newsletter is free and is intended to let both members and non-members know about what's happening to the health service and how they can get involved in campaigning around it. Sign up below.