Our event calendar keeps track of upcoming events in our own campaigning and those of our allies and partner organisations.

You can suggest an event to be featured in the calendar using this simple google form.

London | International Workers Memorial Day event

Covid Memorial Wall North Wing, Lambeth Palace Rd, London

"Remember the dead, fight for the living" - join the Doctors in Unite event on International Workers' Memorial Day

What’s happening to our NHS data?

Thursday 24 March 7:00 - 8:00 Online  This webinar hosted by Keep Our NHS Public will give an update on the governments' intentions to make our health data accessible to the private sector. Martin Blanchard [...]

SOSNHS National Day of Action 26 February

KONP is part of  SOSNHS together with Health Campaigns Together, We Own It, health unions and other health campaign organisations. For full information on 26 February Day of Action see sosnhs.org/events KONP local groups are [...]

End Social Care Disgrace, NaCSILS Public Meeting

Organised by the broad based, Campaign for a National Care, Support and Independent Living Service (NaCSILS) Register here to receive zoom link via Keep Our NHS Public The aim is to focus on what we [...]

Support G4S workers’ protest at Croydon Hospital 31 January

Croydon Mayday Hospital

Meet at 12 noon outside London Road Entrance (not A&E entrance) Monday 31 January.  Porters and cleaners at Croydon’s Mayday Hospital are to staging a protest on 31 January after  private NHS contractor G4S stopped [...]


SOS NHS - EMERGENCY FUNDING NOW! Wednesday 19 January 7pm Description The NHS is facing its worst crisis ever. So much so, we believe this is a national emergency. Sign up  here  SOSNHS is a [...]

Local meeting: KONP North East

(Via KONP North East) This meeting will give an update on our local campaigning and plans for the immediate future. We will finish at 7pm to join the Health and Care Workers Online Rally. Zoom [...]

Rally: Stand up for health and care workers!


THURSDAY 4 NOVEMBER - 7:00PM - 8:30PM - ONLINE The crisis facing workers across health and care sectors has never been greater. Register here With the winter crisis in the NHS and across society coming [...]

Waltham Forest: Vigil against the Hostile Environment

Walthamstow Town Square Walthamstow Town Square, 239-241 High Street, London

As part of a week of action against the Hostile Environment in healthcare, Waltham Forest Save Our NHS is holding a vigil to remember those whose lives have been lost as a result of barriers [...]

Tower Hamlets: Vigil against the Hostile Environment

Royal London Hospital Royal London Hospital, Whitechapel Road, London

As part of a week of action against the Hostile Environment in healthcare, Tower Hamlets Keep Our NHS Public is holding a vigil to remember those whose lives have been lost as a result of [...]