Our event calendar keeps track of upcoming events in our own campaigning and those of our allies and partner organisations.

You can suggest an event to be featured in the calendar using this simple google form.

Protest the Tory Party conference

Keep Our NHS Public is supporting the People's Assembly protests at Tory Party conference in Manchester from 3rd to 6th October.


New NHS legislation is changing healthcare in Britain, making it less accessible, less accountable, and less safe for staff and patients. Don’t let it destroy our NHS. Register today in advance for this webinar here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_2nsSfhjFQrONVs-DIy9Czg

NHS Staff Voices: Covid, Pay and the Bill

Join us to hear from NHS Staff themselves talking about how these huge issues affect them and our NHS workers and the broader social movements can come together to fightback.

NHS in Southampton: on film

Two short films – ‘Blood Donor Services’ and ‘Windrush’ – set in Southampton, produced by TV production students from Solent University. Followed by audience discussion. Hosted by Southampton Keep Our NHS Public. ZOOM ID: 852-3454-0618 [...]

Devon protests: stop the corporate takeover!

Health campaigners in Devon are rallying this Saturday against the latest dangerous NHS Bill, which will allow faster and larger-scale privatisation of our health service.Note that there are now THREE events in Devon you can [...]


Palace of Westminster

12:30 - 14:30 Wednesday 14th July Opposite Old Palace Yard, Parliament, Westminster, SW1A 0AA On July the 14th Parliament will hold the second reading of the new NHS Health and Care Bill which promises greater [...]

Peoples Covid Inquiry Preliminary Findings

We're inviting the public and press to join us and Michael Mansfield QC and the People's Covid Inquiry panel to hear our 'manifestly obvious findings'. The reason we called our People's Covid Inquiry immediately while [...]

Integrated Care Systems teach-in

The teach in will look at:

Why is Keep Our NHS Public campaigning to halt the roll-out of Integrated Care Systems?
Why are the proposals in the February 2021 White Paper and the coming 2021 Health and Care Bill so damaging for the NHS? What is the legislation likely to include?
What could be worse than the competitive market in the NHS? (Answer: an unregulated market meaning a bonanza for private companies)

Protest: Save Manchester Fertility Services!

Queen Victoria Statue, Piccadilly Gardens MCR Queen Victoria's Statue, Piccadilly Gardens, Manchester

The unique fertility services provided at the Department of Reproductive Medicine in St Mary's hospital, Manchester, remain at risk of closure or privatisation. Despite the latest delay to these dangerous proposals, the threat remains real. This [...]

NHS Anniversary Organising Meeting

Join us on 3 June for a discussion on how best to organise your local event for the NHS 73rd Anniversary on 3rd July. There'll be time to get tips, advice and support, to get [...]

G7: drop the patents, save lives

Department of International Trade 3 Whitehall Place, London

From organisers: "Global Justice Now will be protest outside of the Department of International Trade in London from 10 am to 11 am on Wednesday 26 May, to greet the G7 Trade Ministers with the [...]