A message to Keep Our NHS Members from John Lister, KONP’s new Secretary
Having just been repaired by a substantial and brilliantly successful NHS intervention, and elected as Secretary in my enforced absence while still recovering from my operation, I am even more committed to the fight to keep the NHS intact, for it to be properly funded, reinstated as a national service, and against all forms of privatisation.
This is a fight I have now been engaged in for almost half of my 66 years: it’s never been more important.
We can already look forward to a successful Health Campaigns Together conference in London on January 30, in which KONP has played the crucial initiating and central leadership role.
I hope all those wanting to build more, bigger, stronger, more inclusive and more powerful local KONP groups and campaigning work will join us on January 30, and help us fight for the resources and organisational support we need to go forward with this initiative.
In these harsh political times, facing the most reactionary government in 100 years, and its attacks on every aspect of welfare and public services, it’s not enough for KONP groups to stand still: we need to be actively reaching out to all those who ought to share our ambition to reinstate the NHS.
Let’s make 2016 a year of growth in the size and influence of KONP.
Now my heath is improved I am happy to speak at public meetings from February. Contact me on [email protected].
Best wishes and seasonal greetings.
John Lister
KONP Secretary
London Health Emergency
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