People’s Covid Inquiry to ask: How did the Government respond?

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Following the glowing success of the first session of the People's Covid Inquiry, Keep Our NHS Public would like to invite you to the second session which will ask: How did the Government respond?

People can register to watch the session on Zoom and the session will also be livestreamed to our social media accounts from 7pm on Wednesday 10 March 2021. It will feature the same panel as before including Michael Mansfield QC who will chair the sessions, Professor Neena Modi, Dr Tolullah Oni, Keep Our NHS Public's Dr Jacky Davis and Lorna Hackett Barrister and Counsel to the Inquiry. They will be hearing evidence from the following witnesses: Lobby Akinnola from Covid-19 Bereaved Families for Justice, Professor Sir David King, chair of Independent SAGE, Dr Helen Salisbury, GP and columnist for the BMJ and Jan Shortt from the National Pensioners Convention. 

Register for the session 

Why are we holding this session?

From locking down the UK a full seven weeks after the seriousness of the pandemic was first detailed in medical literature, missed COBRA meetings by the Prime Minister and Dominic Cummings' infamous trip to Barnard Castle, we need to make sure that we remember what happened and when. 

We need to examine why the Government's chief scientific officer backed a 'herd immunity' approach to COVID-19 just ten days before the UK went into lockdown, contrary to international opinion. We also need to examine why testing people outside of hospitals was abandoned in the early days of the pandemic and why billions was spent on a 'world-beating' app that didn't work

With over 900 health and social care professionals dead from COVID-19 - and 38,000 care home residents dying in their homes or hospital out of the 124,000 deaths in all to date - we also have to ask: why were PPE stockpiles insufficient and what did the Government do to fix the situation? And if not, why not? 

Public health messaging and its impact on everything from 'Eat Out to Help Out' and families mixing at Christmas will also be examined. 

What will we ask?

The People's Covid Inquiry will examine the Government’s overall strategy for controlling spread of infection, the timing and extent of ‘lockdowns’, their impact on case numbers, and the implications for death rates. We will make international comparisons and understand the underlying drivers for the decisions made.

Join us

You can register for the second session on Zoom, and you can find out more about the second session at the People's Covid Inquiry website. 

Catch up on the first session by watching it on YouTube

Read editor, Richard Horton's review of Session 1 in The Lancet: Offline: It’s time to ask questions and learn lessons. (6 March 2021)


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  1. YES! This needs a very thorough investigation and examination, recording and reporting. The level of irresponsibility, self-serving interests, incompetence, dishonesty, cronyism and corruption, which has led to many thousands of deaths, among much else, cannot be left unaccounted for.

  2. I would like to add to the above, the monumental hypocrisy of clapping for the NHS workers and calling them “heroes”, and then refusing to pay them for their tireless and dangerous work and dedication and long hours, while handing out £1000-6000 per day (!) to some allegedly inexpert, inexperienced, ‘test and trace” operative, for their short hours of their inefficient and ineffective work. The shamelessness and flagrant injustice of it is astounding.

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