38,000 residents of care homes have died from Covid. Six in 10 of all deaths have been disabled people. Families have been devastated. UK death rates are 100 times worse than some countries who successfully suppressed and eliminated the virus. The fourth session of the People's Covid Inquiry will ask what the impact of COVID-19 has been on the population.
There are two sessions focusing on this question: the first takes place at 7pm Wednesday 7 April and has a special focus on the impact on disabled people and those receiving care and support, in residential care or home settings and for independent living.
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Nearly six in ten of the people who have died from COVID-19 have been people with disabilities despite them representing just one in six of the population, and the People's Covid Inquiry will attempt to find out why.
While the Government claimed it was building a protective ring around hospitals and care homes, COVID-19 patients were being discharged to care homes causing the virus to spread to the most vulnerable. Of the first 126,000 people to die from COVID-19 in the UK, 38,000 were residents of care homes with a terrible attrition rate amongst elderly residents. Inappropriate blanket use of ‘DNAR’ notices for old and disabled people in hospitals and care settings has also been publicly condemned.
Testimony of front line staff , 'citizen witnesses' and experts
Witnesses will include Dr Rachel Clarke, a consultant in palliative care medicine, and Carol Thompson a social care worker, who will tell their experiences to the Inquiry.
Ellen Clifford from Disabled People Against the Cuts will also speak about the impact of the pandemic on disabled people, and Professor Martin McKee member of Independent SAGE will give evidence including the impact on populations and economy comparing the UK to other countries
The panel for the Inquiry throughout all sessions is chaired by Michael Mansfield QC and includes Professor Neena Modi, Dr Tolullah Oni, Dr Jacky Davis and barrister Lorna Hackett, Counsel to the Inquiry.
Why are we holding an Inquiry?
Keep Our NHS Public is holding the People's Covid Inquiry so we can learn lessons and save lives now. To wait years for the outcome of the Government's public inquiry is to condemn the country to repeated mistakes and more avoidable deaths.
Don't take it from just us though, here is Jeremy Corbyn explaining why we need a People's Covid Inquiry now.
Take part in the Inquiry
You can register for the fourth and future sessions of the Inquiry on Zoom
Take part in our survey on the impact of COVID-19 on you
Catch up on previous sessions on our YouTube channel
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