Our event calendar keeps track of upcoming events in our own campaigning and those of our allies and partner organisations.

You can suggest an event to be featured in the calendar using this simple google form.

Court of Appeal: defend NHS services in Dorset!

Royal Courts of Justice Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London

Join campaigners from Defend Dorset NHS in Central London for a show of opposition to cuts, closures and the forced centralisation of vital community health services.

The Fight to Safeguard the Future of Our NHS

Brinkburn Community Centre Harton Lane, South Shields

As we face further attempted cuts and restructuring at South Tyneside Hospital, join us for a vital meeting with Professor Allyson Pollock on the future of our NHS services.

Banner Theatre: NHS – Free for All

Square One Square One, Priory Street, Coventry

Join Coventry KONP and Banner Theatre for a night of theatre, video and compelling narrative to look at the past, present and future of our NHS.

KONP Annual General Meeting

Unite the Union (London Regional Office) 33-37 Moreland Street, London

Join us for our Annual General Meeting, featuring talks from a broad range of campaigners against privatisation, under-funding and racism in NHS services. This event is intended for members of KONP.

Still our NHS?

Gloucester Guildhall 23 Eastgate Street, Gloucester

Join us for a meeting to take stock of the gradual privatisation of NHS services in recent years, and the latest threats to public provision in Gloucestershire.

Protest: protect our NHS in Bristol!

Bristol Clinical Commissioning Group 17 Marlborough Street, Bristol

Join Protect our NHS in Bristol for a protest to highlight the secrecy of the tendering process for local adult community services, and the risk that these crucial care services will be out-sourced to profit-seeking private providers.

Doctors Laboratory strike rally – save lives, not pennies!

The Doctors Laboratory 1 Mabledon Place, London

Couriers at The Doctors Laboratory are embarking on 48-hour strike to demand decent pay and conditions. Keep Our NHS Public supports their call: save lives, not pennies!