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Press Summary – 27th October

27 October 2017 Keep Our NHS Public 0

27th October There was outcry amongst campaigners, press and politicians following the disclosure of Southend University Hospital Trust’s plans to trial an ‘Airbnb’ style plan of sending discharged patients to private spare rooms. These plans […]

Press Summary: 21 August

21 August 2017 Tony O'Sullivan 0

17 August   NHS cuts stripping basic medicines from the poor Polly Toynbee’s piece on increasing number of drugs being taken ‘off list’ so people have to pay for them themselves. Guardian [25+ more […]

Press Summary: 16 August

16 August 2017 Tony O'Sullivan 0

9 August Tories double NHS sell-off The legacy of Naylor – done on the quiet. Independent. [9+ more stories]

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Press Summary: 8 August 2017

8 August 2017 Tony O'Sullivan 0

31 July Relationship between councils and NHS cracking under strain Grim summary of what the cuts and over-bearing ministerial tramplings are doing to what is supposed to be a core relationship between co-operating parties (see […]