Our event calendar keeps track of upcoming events in our own campaigning and those of our allies and partner organisations.

You can suggest an event to be featured in the calendar using this simple google form.

Pay protest: demand better than 1%!

University Hospital Lewisham University Hospital Lewisham, Lewisham High St, London

A socially distanced protest outside Lewisham Hospital

Health Campaigns Together affiliates meeting

The next affiliates' meeting of Health Campaigns Together features guest contributions from human rights barrister Michael Mansfield and Nurses United organiser Holly Johnstone.

Rally: Black Nurses Matter

Join Nurses of Colour and Nurses United for an online rally to address structural racism and discrimination against nurses of colour.

Zero Covid conference

Join the Zero Covid conference on 16th January and get involved in the campaign to eradicate the virus.

Zero Covid National Day of Action

The Zero Covid Campaign has a message for Borris Johnson and the UK Government: The best Christmas present would be a zero covid strategy.

Public meeting: taking back Test-and-Trace

How do we take back control of Test-and-Trace? This is a public meeting held over Zoom. The meeting has been organised by Wandsworth and Lambeth Keep Our NHS Public groups, and is open to everyone. [...]

Day of Action for a Zero Covid strategy!

Zero Covid UK is holding a Day of Action on Saturday 14th November to demand a serious strategy to eliminate the virus. Other countries have beaten Covid - we can too!

Social care campaign meeting

A strategic planning meeting to follow up the successful launch of our new campaign on social care.

Stop the toxic Trump trade deal!

A Zoom meeting organised by the Alliance for Green Socialism and Global Justice Now, on the need to oppose and defeat any possible trade deal with Trump (or any other US president). Speakers: John Puntis [...]

End the Social Care Crisis Conference

SATURDAY OCTOBER 10 - 11:00am - 1:00 pm Join us to hear from a range of speakers discussing the crisis in social care and other services. Learn how Covid exposed the shocking state of healthcare, [...]