First baby to be born in the NHS urges you to #VoteNHS

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Aneira Thomas was named after national health service founder Aneurin Bevan, and was the first baby to be born in the NHS. She is a former NHS nurse and Keep Our NHS Public patron.

As the Election Day is getting nearer, I would like the public to be aware that the National Health Service was formed in 1948 by a Labour Government by the Minister of Health at the time, the visionary Aneurin Bevan. He fought major opposition but never gave in, as he had witnessed the health inequality of the richest and poorest. The poorest died prematurely, whilst the affluent went on to live a lot longer, as they were privileged to be able to afford healthcare.             
We have had nearly ten years of a Conservative Government who have imposed austerity (hardship) on many of our vital services, including the NHS. Major cuts, freezing health professionals' pay, this has caused the current crisis within the NHS. Privatisation of the public sector is on their agenda. It's a sell off, and we know it is being dismantled slowly and surely behind the closed doors of the "Establishment".
This would be a travesty for Great Britain and it is the Labour Party who lead the way with our Jewel in the Crown: the NHS. We must never let it slip away, that is why I am voting Labour as only Labour will preserve and protect and cherish our National Health Service for future generations. It's our inherited legacy from Nye Bevan.
Both my children suffered brain haemorrhages, the team effort of the health care professionals who cared for them, saved them and I am indebted to them forever. The skills of our healthcare professionals in the NHS are phenomenal and we must never take them for granted. We must respect what they do for us day in day out, never asking for anything  in return. Governments must look after the staff at any cost. The difference between good sustainable health care and a health system that doesn't work, is life and death.
The Labour Party is the caring party and will never let them down, they will liaise with the front line staff, as they are the experts as well, they know what makes the services tick over. I salute them; each and every one of them.
Preservation not privatisation at any cost, The NHS touches all our lives at some point. 
Please think, Please Vote Labour... 
We are glad you have enjoyed our General Election resources, and would like to ask you to donate whatever you can afford to allow us to continue to campaigns for an #NHSforAll. 

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