Support Us

We need your support in the fight to save the NHS! We are grateful for whatever help you can offer. Thank you. There are different ways to help including the following:


Keep Our NHS Public is the longest running national and local membership campaign fighting to save our NHS. You can find out more about us here. By joining us you’ll become part of a community of health campaigners with unparalleled experience and passion, will belong to a nationwide network of activists and have the support of a core team of experienced organisers at a national level. It’s easy and doesn’t cost the earth. Join today.  

You can join us (£20 per year waged/good pension / £7.50 unwaged/retired – let us know if you cannot afford these rates) by becoming an Individual member. Or if you already have a local campaign, you can join us with the Group Membership option (as a full affiliate group, or a supporting affiliate group – read more below)

Join today and become an individual member of Keep Our NHS Public:

Click here to join today – it’s quick and easy!

Existing members can renew their membership quickly and easily here:

Click here to renew your membership

If you become an Individual Member, you are invited to our Annual General Meeting, and you will receive a regular newsletter with information about our activities, and news from around the country.  We will put you in touch with a group local to you. You may also be a member or of an anti-cuts or anti-austerity group, a trade union or any other political organisation.

Join Keep our NHS Public as a local group or affiliated campaign on the Group Membership page.
A group has two options to join. As a Full affiliated group or as a Supporting affiliated group.

  • Full affiliated groups include at least three individual KONP members. They are entitled to send a delegate to KONP Steering Group (SG) meetings, where they are entitled to vote at the meeting. The group’s contact details are available on the Local Groups page via the main menu.
  • Supporting affiliated groups receive the regular newsletter sent to our supporters. They are entitled to attend the AGM and SG meetings, but cannot vote. The rates for supporting affiliates vary for the size of your group. See here for more info: Group Membership.

If you don’t wish to pay online today, please go to the Other Payment Methods section below.


The easiest way to get started is to link up with your local group. To find yours have a look here. If there’s no local NHS campaign group, starting a new KONP group is really very easy. The only conditions are,

  1. The group needs to have at least three members who are individual members of national KONP
  2. You agree with our aims and values!
  3. There is a separate annual affiliation fee for each KONP group, which entitles the group to send a representative to the KONP national Steering Group.

Find out here about Group Membership.


There’s a range of things you can do as a volunteer with KONP, from media work, admin and campaigning and events support, all of it vital in keeping the movement growing. You can find out more and get in touch with us on our new Volunteer Page here.

We are an independent and non-party affiliated Campaign. We receive no institutional or public funding and rely on individuals like you to keep up our fight. Anything you can donate will help our struggle to defend the NHS, however regular monthly donations are especially helpful!

Click here to make a regular donation to KONP:

Click here to make a one-off donation to KONP:

You can also set up a one-off or regular donation of any amount by calling us on 020 7241 4443, ext. 2010.

You can find Keep Our NHS Public’s privacy and data handling policies here.

Other Payment Methods

We use GoCardless as a safe platform with minimal charges. Some may prefer to use PayPal. If you prefer not to pay online, you can email us at [email protected] to ask about alternative payment methods.

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